Friday, February 17, 2006


I've been thinking.

This word is one of the great metaphors of life. Think about it. It represents the bubble of dreams, the curtain of falsehood, the rose-tinted eye patches, the stupifying self-deception through which we interpret everything. Yes, how stupid we all are. How stupid. Loo. What a great word.

Ponce: "I'm going to the loo"

jimlad: "I'm going to the shit pot get rid of this stinking mass of brown gunk that's been building up inside me."

Ponce: "May I use the loo?"

jimlad: "Do you want me to fill your sitting room with this stinking mass of brown gunk that's been been building up inside me or would is there a place for me to excrete it?"

Ponce: "Where is the loo?"

jimlad: "Where can I go to think in peace?"

The word, "toilet" is perfectly acceptable, as people know what goes on in a toilet. There is this hidden assumption in the phonetics of the word, "loo" that makes us feel ridiculously carefree about the whole matter, just like the word, "poo" does. Just like, "Woo! Look what I'm doing!".

I like to use the word waste too. It isn't a vulgar word, but an apt description all the same. Though I suppose shite can be useful as compost.

I don't like bathroom. One does not relieve oneself in the bath.


Blogger jimlad said...

Wow, what a great post. So deep. I never would have realised what a complex word loo is. Thanks for bringing such meaning to all of our lives.

4:36 PM  
Blogger neuro-praxis said...

Some people relieve themselves in the bath. AND in the sink.

2:46 PM  
Blogger jimlad said...

Some people relieve themselves in other people's mouths (For instance, don't click on this link, and don't talk to me if you do. You disgust me:

They probably still say, "Oh! I'm going to the loo!" as if that somehow justifies this vile act.

I think I might have seen someone relieving themselves at the Strokes concert the other night, but I didn't look too closely in case someone thought I was gay and mocked me.

5:05 PM  
Blogger neuro-praxis said...


10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me at The Strokes.

I paid a ticket tout 62 euro and then queued for an hour and forty minutes just to let them know what I thought of them. ie. I felt 'Is This It' was a nice collection of solid songs but since then they have really struggled to impress and, when gigging, possibly rely too much on their earlier work.

And you *were* looking. Gay.

12:27 PM  
Blogger jimlad said...

comment number 7

1:33 PM  

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